Lower Limb Anatomy Set 1


Anatomy (Lower Limb Set 1)


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1. All of the following statements concerning the adductor magnus are correct EXCEPT:

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2. Which of the following bones is the most common site for a compound fracture?

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3. All of the following statements concerning the femur are correct EXCEPT:

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4. The margin of the acetabulum is deficient inferiorly at which of the following structures?

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5. When it is said that an elderly person has a “broken hip,” the usual injury is a fracture of which of the following structures?

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6. A fracture of which of the following bones is among the most troublesome and problematic of all fractures?

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7. Which of the following statements correctly applies to the adductor hiatus?

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8. The medial and lateral malleoli articulate with which of the following bones?

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9. Which of the following statements correctly applies to the iliopsoas muscle?

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10. Which of the following structures covers the saphenous opening in the fascia lata?

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11. Which of the following bones is the largest and strongest bone of the foot?

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12. All of the following statements concerning the sartorius muscle are correct EXCEPT:

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13. Which of the following bones articulates with the fibula, tibia, calcaneus, and navicular?

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14. All of the following statements concerning the quadriceps femoris are correct EXCEPT:

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15. A deficiency in the smooth articular surface of the acetabulum is known as which of the following?

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16. All of the following statements concerning the femoral triangle are correct EXCEPT:

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17. Which of the following structures passes through the saphenous opening?

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18. All of the following statements concerning the femoral sheath are correct EXCEPT:

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19. The deep fascia of the thigh is known as which of the following?

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20. Which of the following statements applies to the 2nd metatarsal bone?

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21. Which of the following statements concerning the components of the quadriceps femoris is correct?

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22. The adductor tubercle is located on which of the following bones?

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23. The sustentaculum tali projects from the superior surface of which of the following bones?

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24. The small saphenous vein empties into which of the following veins?

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25. Which of the following statements concerning the gracilis muscle is correct?

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