Enzymes Questions Set 1


Biochemistry (Enzymes Set 1)

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1. The enzyme which can add water to a carbon-carbon double bond or remove
water to create a double bond without breaking the bond is

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2. Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin act by inhibiting the
activity of the enzyme:

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3. Fischer’s ‘lock and key’ model of the enzyme action implies that

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4. A Holoenzyme is

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5. A demonstrable inducer is absent in

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6. Farber’s disease is due to the deficiency
of the enzyme:

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7. The compound which has the lowest density is

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8. In reversible non-competitive enzyme
activity inhibition

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9. Krabbe’s disease is due to the deficiency
of the enzyme:

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10. Example of an extracellular enzyme is

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11. An example of lyases is

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12. Enzymes, which are produced in inactive
form in the living cells, are called

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13. From arachidonate, synthesis of prostaglandins is catalysed by

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14. An example of ligases is

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15. An inducer is absent in the type of enzyme:

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16. Gaucher’s disease is due to the deficiency
of the enzyme:

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17. In reversible non-competitive enzyme
activity inhibition

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18. Activation or inactivation of certain key regulatory enzymes is accomplished by
covalent modification of the amino acid:

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19. The kinetic effect of purely competitive
inhibitor of an enzyme

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20. A synthetic nucleotide analogue, used in organ transplantation as a suppressor of
immunologic rejection of grafts is

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21. Neimann-Pick disease is due to the deficiency of the enzyme:

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22. Fabry’s disease is due to the deficiency of
the enzyme:

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23. From the L ineweaver-Burk p lot of Michaelis-Menten equation, Km and Vmax can be determined

when V is the reaction velocity at substrate concentration S,the X-axis experimental data are expressed as

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24. The Km of the enzyme giving the kinetic
data as below is

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25. A sigmoidal plot of substrate concentration ([S]) verses reaction velocity (V) may

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