Hormones Questions Set 2


Biochemistry (Hormones Set 2)

1 / 25

1. The hormone required for uterine muscle
contraction for child birth is :

2 / 25

2. The number of amino acids in the hormone oxytocin is  :

3 / 25

3. Epinephrine is rapidly metabolized by :

4 / 25

4. An increase in the osmolality of extracellular compartment will :

5 / 25

5. In the biosynthesis of cortiols, the sequence of enzymes involved is :

6 / 25

6. Melanogenesis is stimulated by :

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7. For Catecholamine biosynthesis the rate
limiting enzyme is :

8 / 25

8. The most important effect of aldosterone is to :

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9. Aldosterone release is stimulated by :

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10. Pheochromocytomas are tumours of :

11 / 25

11. In the synthesis of Angiotensin I, rennin
acts on Angiotensinogen and cleaves the :

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12. Catecholamine hormones are synthesized in the :

13 / 25

13. The defect in adrenal cortex responsible
for lack of glucocorticoids and mineralcorticoids is :

14 / 25

14. The number of amino acids in antidiuretic hormone is :

15 / 25

15. Vasopressin and oxytocin circulate unbound to proteins and have very short
plasma half lives, on the order of :

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16. 3-β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and
∆5,4 isomerase catalyse the conversion of
the weak androgen DHEA to :

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17. In the resting state plasma concentration of cortisol is :

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18. The sequential steps in the conversion of
tyrosine to epinephrine are :

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19. One of the potent stimulators of aldosterone secretion is :

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20. In the rennin-angiotensin system the
primary hormone is :

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21. Catecholamine hormones are :

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22. ADH :

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23. Increased reabsorption of water from the
kidney is the major consequence of the
secretion of the hormone :

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24. The plasma level of epinephrine is less than :

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25. A hormone which cannot cross the blood brain barrier is :

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