Vitamins Questions Set 2


Biochemistry (Vitamins Set 2)

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1. Insignificant amount of Vitamin E is present in :

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2. Vitamin K is involved in posttranslational
modification of the blood clotting factors
by acting as cofactor for the enzyme :

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3. Vitamin K is a cofactor for :

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4. Vitamin E reduces the requirement of :

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5. One international unit (I.U) of vitamin D
is defined as the biological activity of :

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6. The requirement of vitamin E is increased with greater intake of :

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7. The vitamin required for the formation of hydroxyproline (in collagen) is :

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8. In human body highest concentration of ascorbic acid is found in :

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9. Deficiency of vitamin D causes :

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10. Dicoumarol is antagonist to :

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11. Creatinuria is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin :

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12. Vitamin K2 was originally isolated from :

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13. All the following conditions produce a real or functional deficiency of vitamin K except :

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14. Vitamin K is found in :

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15. The activity of tocopherols is destroyed by :

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16. Function of Vitamin A :

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17. Tocopherols prevent the oxidation of :

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18. Vitamin required for the conversion of phydroxyphenylpyruvate to homogentisate is :

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19. Hypervitaminosis K in neonates may cause :

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20. In the individuals who are given liberal
quantities of vitamin C, the serum ascorbic acid level is :

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21. The β-ring of 7-dehydrocholesterol is
cleaved to form cholecalciferol by :

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22. The vitamin which would most likely become deficient in an individual who develop a completely carnivorous life style is :

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23. The most important natural antioxidant is :

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24. Calcitriol synthesis involves :

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25. Vitamin synthesized by bacterial in the intestine is :

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