Physiology Gastro-Intestinal Tract Set 2


Physiology (Gastro-Intestinal Tract Set 2)


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1. Swallowing is a complex process that involves signaling between the pharynx and swallowing
center in the brainstem. Which of the following structures is critical for determining whether a bolus of
food is small enough to be swallowed?

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2. Digestion of proteins begins in the :

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3. Which of following digestive organs does not show peristalsis:

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4. Stimulation of the submucosal plexus results in an increase in which of the following?

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5. Inhibition of vagal function has the greatest effect on which segment of the alimentary tract?

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6. The enzyme in saliva helps to digest :

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7. The intrinsic nerve plexuses :

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8. Which of the following hormones is released by the presence of fat and protein in the small intestine
and has a major effect to decrease gastric emptying?

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9. The process of breaking down large droplets of fat into small droplets of fat is called :

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10. Which of the following is true of the gastro enteric reflex?

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11. The enzyme that digests proteins is :

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12. Intrinsic factor is :

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13. Which of the following would most likely decrease the number of spike potentials
generated in the GI smooth muscle?

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14. Which of the following is true about pancreatic secretions?

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15. The digestion of all types of nutrients is completed in the :

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16. Food that leaves the stomach is in the form of a thick liquid. This liquid is called :

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17. The ileocecal sphincter :

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18. The hormone that inhibit gastric secretion and motility is :

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19. the process by which large pieces of food are cut and crushed into smaller pieces is called :

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20. Chief cells of gastric mucosa secrete :

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21. The gastric juice produced in the stomach contains mucus, hydrochloric acid, and :

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22. Saliva DOESN’T contain :

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23. Which of the following is a likely consequence of ileal resection?

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24. Bile acts on :

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25. Lipids :

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