Thorax Anatomy Set 2


Anatomy (Thorax Set 2)


1 / 25

1. Anterior and posterior intercostals arteries pass between which two layers?

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2. Sympathetic nerves do NOT contribute to which of the following?

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3. The thymus is supplied by which of the following?

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4. Which of the following is correct?

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5. The posterior mediastinum does NOT include which of the following?

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6. Which of the following areas do NOT receive visceral afferent fibers?

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7. Which of the following is NOT a branch of the right coronary artery?

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8. The musculophrenic arteries give rise to which of the following?

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9. The azygos vein receives blood from which of the following?

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10. Which of the following is NOT a branch of the aorta in the thorax?

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11. The mammary glands are modified versions of which type of gland?

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12. Which of the following is NOT part of the chest?

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13. Which of the following is NOT contained in the superior mediastinum?

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14. Which of the following is a saddle-type synovial joint?

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15. Which of the following does NOT supply the breast with blood?

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16. Of the bronchopulmonary segments in the superior lobe of the left lung, which two are combined to form the lingula?

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17. Which of the following do NOT elevate the ribs?

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18. With which of the following does the intercostobrachial nerve communicate?

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19. The hemiazygos vein does NOT receive blood from which of the following?

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20. Which of the following are innervated by dorsal rami?

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21. Which of the following is NOT likely to contribute to chest pain?

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22. Which of the following may compress the esophagus?

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23. Which of the following is a special feature of a thoracic vertebra?

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24. The accessory hemiazygos vein parallels the vertebral column along which vertebral levels?

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25. The pericardium does NOT receive blood supply from which of the following?

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