Fats And Fatty Acid Metabolism Set 1


Biochemistry (Fats And Fatty Acid Metabolism Set 1)

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1. Unpleasant odours and taste in a fat (rancidity) can be delayed or prevented by the addition of

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2. A lipid containing alcoholic amine residue is

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3. Deterioration of food (rancidity) is due to presence of

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4. An example of a saturated fatty acid is

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5. Phospholipid acting as surfactant is

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6. An example of a hydroxy fatty acid is

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7. Kerasin consists of

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8. The number of double bonds in arachidonic acid is

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9. Cephalin consists of

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10. The fatty acid present in cerebrosides is

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11. Essential fatty acid:

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12. In neutral fats, the unsaponificable matter includes

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13. ’Drying oil’, oxidized spontaneously by atmospheric oxygen at ordinary
temperature and forms a hard water proof material is

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14. The number of ml of N/10 KOH required to neutralize the fatty acids in the distillate from 5 gm of fat is called

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15. Glycosphingolipids are a combination of

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16. If the fatty acid is esterified with an alcohol of high molecular weight instead of glycerol, the resulting compound is

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17. In mammals, the major fat in adipose tissues is

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18. In humans, a dietary essential fatty acid is

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19. Unsaturated fatty acid found in the cod liver oil and containing 5 double bonds is

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20. Gangliosides derived from glucosylceramide contain in addition one or more
molecules of

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21. An oil which contains cyclic fatty acids and once used in the treatment of leprosy is

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22. Higher alcohol present in waxes is

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23. A fatty acid which is not synthesized in the body and has to be supplied in the diet is

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24. Gangliosides are complex glycosphingolipids found in

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25. The importance of phospholipids as constituent of cell membrane is because they possess

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