Week 1 of Human Development Embryology Questions


Embryology (Week 1 of Human Development)


1 / 10

1. Which of the following is the origin of the
mitochondrial DNA of all human adult cells?

2 / 10

2. When does a secondary oocyte complete its
second meiotic division to become a mature

3 / 10

3. Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells were isolated
from a yellow-coated mouse with a teratocarcinoma. The EC cells were then microinjected into
the inner cell mass of a blastocyst isolated from
a black-coated mouse. The blastocyst was subsequently implanted into the uterus of a whitecoated foster mouse. Which of the following
would be observed after full-term pregnancy?

4 / 10

4. How soon after fertilization occurs within
the uterine tube does the blastocyst begin

5 / 10

5. Which of the following events is involved
in the cleavage of the zygote during week 1 of

6 / 10

6. Which of the following structures must
degenerate for blastocyst implantation to

7 / 10

7. In oogenesis, which of the following events
occurs immediately following the completions
of meiosis II?

8 / 10

8. Where does the blastocyst normally

9 / 10

9. A 20-year-old woman presents at the emergency department with severe abdominal
pain on the right side with signs of internal
bleeding. She indicated that she has been
sexually active without contraception and
missed her last menstrual period. Based on
this information, which of the following disorders must be included as an option in the

10 / 10

10. Individual blastomeres were isolated from a
blastula at the 4-cell stage. Each blastomere was
cultured in vitro to the blastocyst stage and individually implanted into four pseudopregnant
foster mothers. Which of the following would
you expect to observe 9 months later?Individual blastomeres were isolated from a
blastula at the 4-cell stage. Each blastomere was
cultured in vitro to the blastocyst stage and individually implanted into four pseudopregnant
foster mothers. Which of the following would
you expect to observe 9 months later?

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