Head and Neck Embryology Questions


Embryology (Head and Neck)


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1. What is the most common congenital malformation of the head and neck region?

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2. The intermaxillary segment forms via the fusion of the

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3. The most common site of a pharyngeal fistula is the

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4. The most common site of a thyroglossal cyst is

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5. Taste sensation from the oral part (anterior
two-thirds) of the tongue is predominantly carried by

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6. Which pharyngeal arch is associated with
Treacher Collins syndrome?

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7. During surgery for the removal of a thyroid tumor, a number of small masses of
glandular tissue are noted just lateral to the
thyroid gland. Metastasis from the thyroid
tumor is suspected, but histological analysis
of a biopsy reveals parathyroid tissue and
remnants of thymus. How can this finding be

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8. A newborn presents with midfacial and
mandibular hypoplasia, defects of the first
pharyngeal arch consistent with the diagnosis
of Treacher Collins syndrome. What structure would most likely be involved with the

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