Caesarean Section
content of this page
1- Introduction
2- Anatomical Overview
3- Procedure
4- Clinical Significance
A Caesarean section, commonly referred to as C-section, is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby when vaginal delivery is either not possible or not advisable for the mother or the baby. It involves making an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus to remove the baby.

Anatomical Overview
Abdominal Wall:
- The abdominal wall consists of layers of tissue and muscle that protect the organs within the abdominal cavity.
- During a C-section, the surgeon makes incisions through the abdominal wall to access the uterus. The incisions are typically made horizontally, just above the pubic bone, though in certain cases, a vertical incision may be necessary.
Uterus (Womb):
- The uterus is a muscular organ located in the pelvis, where the fetus develops during pregnancy.
- During a C-section, incisions are made through the uterus to access and deliver the baby. The type of uterine incision depends on various factors, such as the position of the baby and the medical condition of the mother.
- The placenta is an organ that develops during pregnancy and provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus while removing waste products from the fetal bloodstream.
- In a C-section, the placenta is typically removed after the baby is delivered. The surgeon carefully detaches the placenta from the uterine wall and removes it to prevent excessive bleeding.
Amniotic Sac:
- The amniotic sac is a fluid-filled membrane that surrounds and protects the fetus during pregnancy.
- During a C-section, the surgeon opens the amniotic sac to access the baby. The amniotic fluid is then suctioned out to facilitate the delivery.
Pelvic Organs:
- The pelvic cavity contains various organs, including the bladder, rectum, and reproductive organs such as the uterus and ovaries.
- During a C-section, the surgeon must carefully navigate around these structures to minimize the risk of injury and ensure a safe delivery.
Surgical Instruments:
- Various surgical instruments are used during a C-section to perform the procedure safely and effectively. These may include scalpels for making incisions, retractors to hold tissues aside, and sutures to close incisions.

An emergency cesarean section is rarely performed. However, a physician may need to perform this surgery in cases in which the mother may die after suffering a severe traumatic incident. Following maternal death, placental circulation ceases, and the child must be delivered within 10 minutes; after a delay of more than 20 minutes, neonatal survival is rare.
The Anatomy of the Technique:
1. The bladder is emptied, and an indwelling catheter is left in position. This allows the empty bladder to sink down away from the operating field.
2. A midline skin incision is made that extends from just below the umbilicus to just above the symphysis pubis. The follow- ing structures are then incised: superficial fascia, fatty layer, and the membranous layer; deep fascia (thin layer); linear alba; fascia transversalis; extraperitoneal fatty layer; and parietal peritoneum. To avoid damaging loops of the small intestine or the greater omentum, which might be lying be- neath the parietal peritoneum, a fold of peritoneum is raised between two hemostats; an incision is then made between the hemostats.
3. The bladder is identified, and a cut is made in the floor of the uterovesical pouch. The bladder is then separated from the lower part of the body of the uterus and depressed downward into the pelvis.
4. The uterus is palpated to identify the presenting part of the fetus.
5. A transverse incision about 1 in. (2.5 cm) long is made into the exposed lower segment of the body of the uterus. Care is taken that the uterine wall is not immediately penetrated and the fetus injured.
6. When the uterine cavity is entered, the amniotic cavity is opened, and amniotic fluid spurts. The uterine incision is then enlarged sufficiently to deliver the head and trunk of the fetus. When possible, the large tributaries and branches of the uterine vessels in the myometrial wall are avoided. Great care has to be taken to avoid the large uterine arteries that course along the lateral margin of the uterus.
7. Once the fetus is delivered, the umbilical cord is clamped and divided.
8. The contracting uterus will cause the placenta to bulge through the uterine incision. The placenta and fetal mem- branes are then delivered.
9. The uterine incision is closed with a full-thickness continuous suture. The peritoneum over the bladder and lower part of the uterine body is then repaired to restore the integrity of the uterovesical pouch. Finally, the abdominal wall incision is closed in layers.
Clinical Significance
Reducing Maternal and Neonatal Mortality: C-sections can significantly reduce maternal and neonatal mortality rates by providing a safe delivery option in cases where vaginal delivery is not feasible or safe. In situations such as obstructed labor, fetal distress, or placental abnormalities, C-sections can prevent adverse outcomes and save lives.
Managing Obstetric Complications: C-sections play a crucial role in managing various obstetric complications that may arise during pregnancy and childbirth. These include conditions such as placenta previa, placental abruption, cephalopelvic disproportion, and multiple pregnancies, where vaginal delivery may pose risks to maternal or fetal health.
Preventing Birth Injuries: C-sections can help prevent birth injuries to both mothers and babies, particularly in cases of prolonged or obstructed labor. By providing a controlled and expedited delivery process, C-sections reduce the risk of trauma, such as perineal tears, fetal distress-related complications, and intrapartum asphyxia.
Facilitating Timely Delivery: In certain medical conditions, such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or maternal heart disease, C-sections may be recommended to ensure timely delivery and mitigate risks associated with prolonged pregnancy. Timely delivery can help prevent maternal complications and improve neonatal outcomes.
Improving Access to Emergency Obstetric Care: C-sections are an essential component of emergency obstetric care, particularly in resource-limited settings where access to healthcare services may be limited. Ensuring access to C-sections in such settings can help reduce maternal and neonatal mortality rates and improve overall maternal health outcomes.
Addressing Patient Preferences and Choices: C-sections also have clinical significance in addressing patient preferences and choices regarding childbirth. In cases where women have a strong preference for C-section delivery, either due to previous traumatic birth experiences, psychological factors, or cultural beliefs, providing access to safe C-sections can enhance patient satisfaction and well-being.
Challenges and Considerations: Despite their clinical significance, C-sections are not without challenges, including increased risks of maternal complications such as surgical site infections, hemorrhage, and venous thromboembolism. Additionally, the rising global C-section rates raise concerns about over-medicalization of childbirth and healthcare resource utilization.