Velocity of sound

Content of this page :

1.    Introduction of the experiment.

2.    Aim of the experiment.

3.    Tools of the experiment.

4.  Steps and methods of the experiment.

5.    Parameter, Theory and Final law of the experiment.

6.    Table of The Readings.

7.    Medical application and advantages of the experiment.

1. Introduction of the experiment:

The speed of sound is one of the most important measures that have been recognized by physicist and throat it many things that we’re not now before where measured. The phenomenon of the reasons that occurs during the experiment is interference of two waves of the same frequency speed and phase, resulting in constructive interference that has the violation highest energy and the highest amplitude. The pressure disturbance that travel from one particle to another indicates to the velocity of sound. Basically, a sound wave is a travelling disturbance. Wave pulse indicates to a single disturbance while wave train is the series of disturbances. Wave frequency measures the number of pulse have been made in a length of given time. In the simplest sense, frequency is the number of vibrations per seconds. It is usually measured in Hertz(Hz). On the other hand, resonance is the natural vibration frequency of an object. In the experiment, three activities have been done in order to exemplify the different properties of sound.

2. Aim of the experiment:

-To determine the velocity of Sound by means of a resonance tube closed at one end

3-Tools of The experiment

·       Resonance tube (variable length).

·       tuning forks of different frequencies.

·       meter scale.

·       rubber pad.

·       thermometer.

4. Steps and methods of the experiment:

By using two positions of resonance for each fork.

1-Select the fork of highest freq. usually (512HZ), then strike it smartly on a rubber pad and hold it over the mouth opening of the tube.

2- While the fork vibrating adjust the length of the resonance column until the resonance occur and you will hear the sound , obtain the position of maximum loudness.

3- Measure the length of the air in the tube column.

4- Repeat the measurement two times and take the mean (L1).

5- Find a second and different position of resonance using the same fork but with about three times the length of air and again take mean (L2) of several readings of the length when resonance occur.

6- Obtain different values of L1 and L2 (L2-L1) using the other fork.


7- Record the room temperature.


5-ParametersTheory And Final Law of The experiment


f : Frequency (Hz)

L1First resonance position Length of air column (cm)

L2Second resonance position Length of air column (cm)

CVelocity of sound (cm/sec)


L1= λ/4

L2= 3λ/4

L2-L1= λ/2= C/2f

C=2f (L2-L1)

Final Law:

6. Table of the Readings:

7 -Medical Application:

The Middle Ear contains air and it is important for the air in both sides of the eardrum to be the same. Eustachian tube serves to equalize the pressure.


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