Abdomen Anatomy Set 4

Anatomy (Abdomen Set 4)

1 / 25

1. Which of the following structures is avascular?

2 / 25

2. The inferior vena cava begins anterior to which
of the following structures?

3 / 25

3. Rugae are located in which of the following

4 / 25

4. The crura of the diaphragm are musculotendinous bundles that arise from which of the following structures?

5 / 25

5. The cisterna chyli is the inferior end of which
of the following structures?

6 / 25

6. All of the following statements concerning the
psoas major muscle are correct EXCEPT

7 / 25

7. Which of the following statements correctly
applies to the suprarenal medulla?

8 / 25

8. The nerves of the kidneys and suprarenal
glands are derived from which of the following

9 / 25

9. Digestion occurs mainly in which of the following structures?

10 / 25

10. All of the following statements concerning the
central tendon of the diaphragm are correct

11 / 25

11. The anatomical left and right lobes of the liver
are separated on the diaphragmatic surface of
the liver by which of the following structures?

12 / 25

12. The left gastro-omental artery arises from
which of the following arteries?

13 / 25

13. The lateral arcuate ligaments are formed from
thickenings from which of the following muscular fasciae?

14 / 25

14. The bifurcation of the abdominal aorta occurs at
the level of which of the following structures?

15 / 25

15. Which of the following statements correctly
relates to the 3rd part of the duodenum?

16 / 25

16. The parasympathetic root of the celiac plexus
is a branch of which of the following?

17 / 25

17. Which of the following muscles is considered
to be the chief muscle of inspiration?

18 / 25

18. All of the following structures pass through
the esophageal hiatus EXCEPT

19 / 25

19. In the developing embryo, the midgut rotates
270 degrees around which of the following

20 / 25

20. Most reabsorption of water occurs in which of
the following structures?

21 / 25

21. All of the following statements concerning the
esophagus are correct EXCEPT

22 / 25

22. How are the pelvic splanchnic nerves distinct
from other splanchnic nerves?

23 / 25

23. All of the following structures may herniate
into the thoracic cavity when there is a traumatic diaphragmatic hernia EXCEPT

24 / 25

24. The greater and lesser splanchnic nerves pass
through the diaphragm via which of the following structures?

25 / 25

25. All of the following statements concerning the
spleen are correct EXCEPT

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