Lower Limb Anatomy Set 3


Anatomy (Lower Limb Set 3)


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1. Which of the following muscles is the powerful “push-off” muscle?

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2. Which of the following arteries provides the main blood supply for the hip joint?

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3. Which of the following muscles contract to assist the posterior cruciate ligament in pre- venting anterior displacement of the femur on the tibia?

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4. The oblique popliteal ligament is an expansion of the tendon of which of the following muscles?

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5. The lateral sural nerve is a branch of which of the following nerves?

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6. The lateral compartment of the foot contains which of the following muscles?

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7. Which of the following muscles dorsiflexes the ankle?

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8. Which of the following muscles is the strongest dorsiflexor and invertor of the foot?

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9. Which of the following muscles is a flexor of the knee joint?

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10. All of the following muscles are located in the deep muscle group of the posterior compartment EXCEPT

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11. Which of the following statements concerning the tibial collateral ligament is correct?

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12. Which of the following muscles is the most important muscle in stabilizing the knee?

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13. Which of the following muscles passes out of the knee joint to reach the tibia?

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14. Which of the following ligaments prevents hyperextension of the hip joint during standing?

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15. Which of following muscles is included in the triceps surae?

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16. The medial plantar nerve is a terminal branch of which of the following nerves?

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17. All of the following ligaments of the knee are intra-articular EXCEPT

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18. A synovial protrusion beyond the free margin of the fibrous capsule onto the posterior aspect of the femoral neck forms a bursa for which of these muscle tendons?

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19. All of the following statements concerning the fibular collateral ligament are correct EXCEPT

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20. Muscles that evert the foot include which of the following muscles?

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21. The central compartment of the foot contains all of the following muscles EXCEPT

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22. All of the following statements correctly apply to the inferior extensor retinaculum EXCEPT

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23. All of the following statements concerning the saphenous nerve are correct EXCEPT

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24. All of the following statements concerning the ligament of the head of the femur are correct EXCEPT

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25. Which of the following statements concerning the anterior cruciate ligament is correct?

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