Upper Limb Anatomy Set 3


Anatomy (Upper Limb set 3)


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1. Which of the following is NOT true in respect to the clavicle?

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2. Which limb defect is correctly matched with its definition?

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3. Syndactylyl involves

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4. Which of the following is NOT true in respect to the flexor pollicis brevis?

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5. A patient cannot raise the trunk (as in climbing). What is most likely the problem?

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6. Which of the following parts of the humerus is matched correctly with the nerve with which it is in direct contact?

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7. Which of the following is NOT correct?

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8. A patient has been thrown from a motorcycle, landing on the shoulder such that the neck and shoulder are widely separated. You suspect an upper brachial plexus injury. What signs do you expect?

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9. The scapula on one side of a patient is located farther from the midline than that on the normal side. What might be the problem?

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10. Which of the following flexes the arm at the glenohumeral joint?

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11. Which of the following muscles is correctly
matched with the accompanying description?

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12. Which of the following is true in respect to the
palmaris brevis?

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13. The radial nerve does NOT do which of the following?

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14. Which of the following is correct regarding the triangle of auscultation?

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15. The carpal tunnel does NOT contain which of
the following?

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16. Which of the following joints is paired correctly with its type?

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17. Which of the following is true in respect to ulnar nerve injuries?

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18. The ulnar nerve does NOT do which of the following?

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19. Which of the following is true in respect to the elbow joint?

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20. Fractures of the scapula typically involve

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21. A patient in surgery has no pectoralis major. What do you suspect?

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22. A patient receives a knife wound to the axilla. What problems do you expect?

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23. “Winging” of the scapula is most likely caused by which of the following?

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24. A patient tries to make a fist, but digits 2 and 3 remain partially extended. What nerve is injured?

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25. Which of the following is true regarding rotator cuff injuries?

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26. The deep branch of the ulnar does NOT innervate which of the following?

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27. The axillary nerve is damaged. What is the likely result?

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28. Which of the following is true in respect to the
acromioclavicular joint?

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29. A patient exhibits “clawhand.” What might have happened?

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30. All carpometacarpal and intermetacarpal joints are plane types of synovial joints EXCEPT for

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31. The sternoclavicular joint . . .

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32. In respect to movement of the arm at the glenohumeral joint, which of the following movements is correctly paired with its prime mover?

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33. The recurrent branch of the median nerve does
NOT innervate which of the following?

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