Hormones Questions Set 1


Biochemistry (Hormones Set 1)

1 / 25

1. The circulating concentration of ACTH in plasma is :

2 / 25

2. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is a
single polypeptide containing :

3 / 25

3. Hyperglycemic effect of glucocorticoids is due to :

4 / 25

4. Growth hormone is released by :

5 / 25

5. Growth hormone causes hyperglycemia. It is a result of  :

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6. Hormones :

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7. A hormone secreted from anterior pituitary is :

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8. Hormone that bind to cell surface receptor
and require the second messenger camp is :

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9. The predominant glucocorticoid is :

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10. A very efficient inhibitor of steroid biosynthesis is :

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11. ACTH induces rise in :

12 / 25

12. A hormone secreted from posterior pituitary is :

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13. Cortisol is synthesized in :

14 / 25

14. Excessive secretion of ACTH causes :

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15. ACTH stimulates the secretion of :

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16. Biological activity of ACTH requires :

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17. The number of amino acids in human growth hormone is :

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18. Cushing’s syndrome-a tumour associated disease of adrenal cortex, there is :

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19. The number of amino acids in prolactin is :

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20. Hormone that binds to intracellular receptor is :

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21. In adrenal gland the cholesterol is stored :

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22. Acromegaly results due to excessive release of :

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23. Aldosterone synthesis occurs in :

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24. All mammalian steroid hormones are formed from :

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25. A specific cortisol binding protein, transcortin is a :

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