Digestive System Embryology Questions


Embryology (Digestive System)


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1. The most common type of anorectal malformation is

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2. The simple columnar or cuboidal epithelium
lining the extrahepatic biliary ducts is derived

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3. Which one of the following structures is derived from the midgut?

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4. A 3-month-old baby girl presents with a
swollen umbilicus that has failed to heal normally. The umbilicus drains secretions, and
there is passage of fecal material through the
umbilicus at times. What is the most likely

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5. Which of the following arteries supplies foregut derivatives of the digestive system?

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6. A 4-day-old baby boy has not defecated
since coming home from the hospital even
though feeding has been normal without any
excessive vomiting. Rectal examination reveals
a normal anus, anal canal, and rectum. However, a large fecal mass is found in the colon,
and a large release of flatus and feces follows
the rectal examination. Which of the following
conditions would be suspected?

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7. The simple columnar and stratified columnar epithelia lining the lower part of the anal
canal is derived from

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8. Pancreatic islets consist of alpha, beta, and
delta cells, which secrete glucagon, insulin,
and somatostatin, respectively. These cells are
derived from

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9. Kupffer cells present in the adult liver are
derived from

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10. A 2-month-old baby with severe jaundice
also has dark-colored urine (deep yellow) and
white clay-colored stool. Which of the following
disorders might be suspected?

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11. The midgut loop normally herniates
through the primitive umbilical ring into the
extraembryonic coelom during week 6 of development. Failure of the intestinal loops to return to the abdominal cavity by week 11 results in
the formation of

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12. A baby born to a young woman whose
pregnancy was complicated by polyhydramnios was placed in the intensive care unit
because of repeated vomiting containing bile.
The stomach was markedly distended, and
only small amounts of meconium had passed
through the anus. What is the most likely

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13. A 28-day-old baby is brought to the physician because of projectile vomiting after
feeding. Until this time, the baby has had no
problems in feeding. On examination, a small
knot is palpated at the right costal margin.
Which of the following disorders might be

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