Male Reproductive System Embryology Questions


Embryology (Male Reproductive System)


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1. In the male, failure of the urethral folds to
fuse completely results in

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2. The Y chromosome carries a gene on its
short arm that codes for

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3. The most common cause of male pseudointersexuality is

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4. Bilateral cryptorchidism usually results in

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5. One day a 9-year-old girl surprisingly announces to her mother, “Guess what, mommy,
I’m not a girl; I’m a boy.” The mother is shocked
but does act on the comment. During the next
few years, the mother notices some tomboyish
behavior and difficulty in social adjustment at
school. When the girl is 12 years old, puberty
starts with a striking virilization of the external
genitalia. The mother is extremely concerned
and seeks medical attention. What is the most
likely cause?

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6. . A 17-year-old girl presents with a complaint
of amenorrhea. Physical examination reveals
good breast development and normal amount
of pubic hair. A rudimentary vagina and a mobile mass within both the right and left labia
majora are found on pelvic examination. Ultrasound reveals the absence of a uterus. What is
the diagnosis?

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7. The most common cause of female pseudointersexuality is

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8. The most common cause of testicular
feminization syndrome is

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