Week 2 of Human Development Embryology Questions


Embryology (Week 2 of Human Development)


1 / 10

1. A 42-year-old woman presents with complaints of severe headaches, blurred vision,
slurred speech, and loss of muscle coordination. Her last pregnancy 5 years ago resulted in
a hydatidiform mole. Laboratory results show a
high hCG level. Which of the following conditions is a probable diagnosis?

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2. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is an oncofetal antigen that is generally associated with
which one of the following tumors?

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3. At what location does the amniotic cavity

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4. Which of the following components plays
the most active role in invading the endometrium during blastocyst implantation?

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5. At the end of week 2 of development
(day 14), what is the composition of the
embryonic disk?

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6. A 16-year-old girl presents on May 10 in
obvious emotional distress. On questioning, she
relates that on May 1 she experienced sexual
intercourse for the first time, without using
any means of birth control. Most of her anxiety
stems from her fear of pregnancy. What should
the physician do to alleviate her fear?

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7. The prochordal plate marks the site of the

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8. Which of the following are components of
the definitive chorion?

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9. Between which two layers is the extraembryonic mesoderm located?

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10. During week 2 of development, the embryoblast receives its nutrients via

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